

其实avada 5.0应该快来了。avada v4.x的更新意义不是很大。从4.0发布仅更迭了2个小版本,就准备更新到5.0,说明avada 4.x版本被放弃。笔者一直在等avada 5.0,但时间太久了。所有还是先Avada汉化版更新至v4.0.3。



- NEW: alternate demo data import is now available for Avada 4 and higher
- NEW: added option to choose if the single post title should be above or below the featured image
- NEW: updated to Font Awesome 4.6.3
- NEW: full support for WooCommerce 2.6
- NEW: WooCommerce horizontal tabs mode will now also work on checkout and account page
- NEW: added registration link to WooCommerce main menu account login dropdown
- NEW: added responsive image support to image frame element, related posts and related portfolio items
- NEW: added important update information and changelog to auto update screens
- NEW: added additional options for the search page results contents
- NEW: added antispambot() to email outputs from the theme
- improved responsive images for 100% width pages, blog large layouts and single posts
- improved WooCommerce multi page checkout error handling by adding additional error notice
- improved theme options custom CSS field so that it is fully searchable, also below the fold
- improved author page, by adding a custom author email address field in he admin user profile
- updated Woocommerce shop message shortcode to new name
- updated Google maps infox box js file and included it in Avada
- updated isotope script to latest version
- updated a few theme option descriptions for more convenience
- fixed issue with WPML/PolyLang where saving theme options for "all languages" didn't work
- fixed page reloading when click on anchor scrolling links
- fixed WooCommerce Subscription plugin compatibility issue, where variations prices etc. were missing
- fixed WooCommerce product variations showing quantities even if they are sold individually only
- fixed WooCommerce most recent sorting being reversed
- fixed WooCommerce menu cart dropdown font size not being applied correctly
- fixed WooCommerce product slider image size for fixed images
- fixed full width element margin issue on default page templates when usign 100% site width
- fixes issue with NextGen Gallery where uppercase JPG extension breaks featured image
- fixed tagline element overflow, when using floated shortcodes inside additional content
- fixed theme options typography options being reset when changing between light and dark color scheme
- fixed header transparency page option not working correctly when no bg color is chosen in page options
- fixed Fusion Slider navigation arrows not being vertically centered when using transparent header
- fixed Fusion Slider titles and descriptions not having correct line height
- fixed Slider Revolution navigation arrows not being correctly displayed
- fixed browser standard fonts falling back to Times
- fixed buddyPress sidebar option not working for all pages
- fixed recent works image sizes not being correct for 4 and 6 column layouts
- fixed typo for the "Add Gravity Form" button in Fusion Builder
- fixed twitter widget issue with API limits
- fixed Google fonts not loading different char sets
- fixed issue where rgba colors were displayed incorrectly on frontend in some cases
- fixed header v6 menu disappearing on scroll if sticky menu is set
- fixed sticky menu breaking mobile menus when using side header
- fixed separator shortcode not working with unitess values for deprecated params
- fixed sticky header width not being correct in boxed mode on device orientation change
- fixed social media widget not working correctly when no social media icons are set in theme options
- fixed issue with theme options color picker width for foreign languages
- fixed contact page template thank you message not using correct user name
- fixed sticky header content moving to left when smooth scroll is used
- fixes suhosin values being incorrect on system status page when mega menu disabled
- fixed Firefox javascript security error notice in modernizr library
- fixed image frame element lift-up animation issue with left/right alignment of the element
- fixed issue on single posts page, where smooth height setting made links below slideshow unclickable
- fixed qTranslate plugin flags not being correctly aligned on menu
- fixed PHP notice in class-avada-images.php
- fixed issue on recent works element, where lightbox stopped to work after filter selection
- fixed permission issues with wp_remote_get() and wp_remote_post() happening on some user servers
- fixed image frame element sizing issue with images where the width/height values could not be retrieved from WP database
- fixed Facebook social sharing on mobiles
- fixed incompatibility issue with an init function, that raised error e.g. when All in One Event Calendar was activated
- fixed W3C validator issues with social media icons
- fixed Chrome rendering issue with zoom-in image hover and no spacing columns
- fixed WP site title on demo imports
- fixed equal heights columns issue with nested columns
- fixed breadcrumbs issue where post type archive is empty on single post pages
- fixed email icon not working correctly in social links widget




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